ArtStreet Art

Roa ‘Daniza’ New Mural In Rome

ROA was recently in Rome where he painted this sweet new mural organized by Dorothy Circus Gallery. Titled ‘Daniza’ the mural is part of the “Step#2: Diversity” of “Spray for your

ArtStreet Art

Blaqk New Mural Installation x Outdoor Festival In Rome

This beautiful installation is the work of the Greek duo Blaqk, consisting of artists Greg Papagrigoriou and Simek. The duo has been working on this kind of series for a while now,  always taking

ArtStreet Art

New Mural by Etam Cru In Rome

Etam Cru is now in Rome for the opening of their first solo show in Italy Bedtime Stories at Galleria Varsi on 30th of October. In the meanwhile they painted this huge mural featuring a man

ArtStreet Art

SAM3 “La Barca” x WunderKammern In Rome

Its been a long time since I heard from SAM3 last time, but here is he back with this new mural painted in via Prenestina in Rome in occasion of “Monumental”, his new exhibition

ArtStreet Art

BLU Paints Mural Dedicated to Fabrizio Ceruso In Rome

Forty years have passed since that 8 September when Fabrizio Ceruso, a militant of the extreme left was killed during a clash between police and squatters when he tried to stop the eviction

ArtStreet Art

Exhibition: “Urban Legends” at MACRO Museo d’arte contemporanea Roma

Urban Legends opened last Friday in Rome presenting the work of twelve artists, six French and six Italian, who have dedicated a great part of their lives to paint in the streets. The artists

ArtStreet Art

Axel Void x Avanguardie Urbane Roma Street Art Festival 2014

Axel Void is now in Rome where he just finished this beautiful mural for Avanguardie Urbane Roma Street Art Festival 2014  curated by Stefano S. Antonelli and 999Contemporary. Painted near via